Stefano Bistarelli is Full Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Perugia
His research interests range from Artificial Intelligence to Programming
Languages, with particular attention to constraint programming, constraint
solution algorithms, and soft constraints.
He also works on Computer Security and recently on Economics.
Currently active research topics are Computational Argumentation, Blockchain, Distributed Ledgers, Cryptocurrencies and Cybersecurity.
Member of the Editorial Board of
Intelligenza Artificiale, The international journal of the AIxIA,
Associate editor of
Frontiers in Blockachain, Smart Contracts and Frontiers in Blockachain, Non-Financial Blockchain
Full Professor in Computer Science
Via Vanvitelli, 1 - 06123 Perugia, Italy
+39 075 585.5045
+39 075 585.5024
IEEE Senior member
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