SEBESTA WWW Source Code Listings

Chapter 2

  1. A trivial document, greet.html
  2. An example to illustrate headings, headings.html
  3. An example to illustrate a blockquote, blockquote.html
  4. An example to illustrate an image, image.html
  5. An example to illustrate a link, link.html
  6. An example to illustrate an unordered list, unordered.html
  7. An example to illustrate an ordered list, ordered.html
  8. An example to illustrate nested lists, nested_lists.html
  9. An example to illustrate definition lists, definition.html
  10. An example of a simple table, table.html
  11. An example to illustrate rowspan and colspan, cell_span.html
  12. An example to illustrate align and valign, cell_align.html
  13. An example that illustrates the cellspacing andcellpadding table attributes, space_pad.html
  14. An example to illustrate a checkbox, checkbox.html
  15. An example to illustrate radio buttons, radio.html
  16. An example to illustrate menus, menu.html
  17. An example to illustrate a textarea, textarea.html
  18. This describes popcorn sales form page, popcorn.html
  19. An example to illustrate frames, frames.html
  20. An example to illustrate nested frames, nested_frames.html

Chapter 3

  1. Illustrates the :hover and :focus pseudo classes Note: This document does not work with IE6, pseudo.html
  2. An example to illustrate font properties, fonts.html
  3. An example to test external style sheets, fonts2.html
  4. Possible text decoration values, text_decoration.html
  5. An example to illustrate sequence type styles, sequence_types.html
  6. An example to illustrate the float property, float.html
  7. An example of a simple table with various borders, borders.html
  8. An example to illustrate margins and padding, marpads.html
  9. An example to illustrate background images, back_image.html

Chapter 4

  1. Compute the real roots of a given quadratic equation. If the roots are imaginary, this script displays NaN, because that is what results from taking the square root of a negative number, roots.html
  2. An example of a switch statement for table border size selection, borders2.html
  3. Illustrates the use of the Date object by displaying the parts of a current date and using two Date objects to time a calculation, date.html
  4. The script in this document has an array of names, name_list, whose values are in alphabetic order. New names are input through prompt. Each new name is inserted into the name array, after which the new list is displayed, insert_names.html
  5. An example illustrate an array of arrays, nested_arrays.html
  6. The params function and a test driver for it. This example illustrates function parameters, parameters.html
  7. A function and a function tester Illustrates array operations, medians.html
  8. A function tst_phone_num is defined and tested. This function checks the validity of phone number input from a form, forms_check.html
  9. An example to illustrate debugging help, debugdemo.html

Chapter 5

  1. An example to illustrate the load event, load.html
  2. An example of the use of the click event with radio buttons, registering the event handler by assignment to the button attributes, radio_click.html
  3. An example of the use of the click event with radio buttons, registering the event handler by assigning an event property, radio_click2.html
  4. This document illustrates using the focus event to prevent the user from changing a text field, nochange.html
  5. An example of input password checking, using the submit "} else return true; }", pswd_chk.html
  6. An example of input validation using the change and submit events, validator.html
  7. An example of input validation using the change and submit events, using the DOM 2 event model. Note: This document does not work with IE6, validator2.html
  8. An example of using the navigator object, navigate.html

Chapter 6

  1. Illustrates absolute positioning of elements, absPos.html
  2. Illustrates nested absolute positioning of elements, absPos2.html
  3. Illustrates relative positioning of elements, relPos.html
  4. Illustrates moving an element within a document, mover.html
  5. Illustrates visibility control of elements, showHide.html
  6. Illustrates dynamic foreground and background colors, dynColors.html
  7. Illustrates dynamic font styles and colors for links, dynLink.html
  8. Illustrates dynamic values, dynValue.html
  9. Illustrates dynamic stacking of images, stacking.html
  10. Show the coordinates of the mouse cursor position in an image and anywhere on the screen when the mouse is clicked, where.html
  11. Display a message when the mouse button is pressed, no matter where it is on the screen, anywhere.html
  12. Illustrates a moving text element. Uses the JavaScript from file moveTextfuns.js, moveText.html
  13. An example to illustrate the DOM 2 Event model. Allows the user to drag and drop words to complete a short poem. Note: This document does not work with IE6, dragNDrop.html

Chapter 7

  1. An applet to illustrate the display of a string,
  2. An applet to illustrate the display of a string in a specific font, font style, and font size,
  3. A document to test the Wel2 applet, wel2.html
  4. An applet to illustrate parameters,
  5. A document to test the Wel3 applet, wel3.html
  6. An applet to illustrate drawing rectangles,
  7. An applet to illustrate drawing a polygon,
  8. An applet to illustrate some GUI components with a pizza order form,
  9. An applet to illustrate event handling with interactive radio buttons that control the font style of a text field,